welcome to the deadside!

Welcome to DeadSide Productions! Here you can find the latest updates about our artists, upcoming releases,concerts and more! 

Featured  Artist


Hailing from the most haunted river town in America, Alton Illinois "The City of the Dead" producer, lyricist, and storyteller, KRENSHAW emerges from the dark and murky waters of the Mississippi bringing with him tales of the strange, dark, and the macabre. KRENSHAW takes horror to the next level by creating the perfect blend of murder, mayhem, and real-life events, painting a dark and detailed scene with his incredible storytelling and spine-tingling lyrics. Diving into the deepest darkest realms of humanity and reaching far into the abyss of the supernatural to bring forth unto you his “Tales from the DeadSide”. Releasing music under DeadSide Productions which was founded and created by KRENSHAW in 2019. KRENSHAW does almost all his own productions from music and video to the special effects. From start to finish KRENSHAW brings an originality and flavor like no other


Tales from the deadside


Specializing in the dark & macabre! 

music available on all platforms!



love you to death


reach out...

if you dare!

for booking and feature inquiries please email ;
